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This open house was active from March 26 - April 21, 2021. Information on this website may no longer be current. Email us for more information.


We will build the Martin Road Project in four stages, shown below, to keep traffic on Highway 47 during construction. We will complete Stage 4 in three phases to keep Martin Road open while we are widening the road.

Stage 1

A temporary bypass will be built west of Highway 47 and a connection to Old Martin Road.

"Stage 1: A temporary by-class is built west of Highway 47"

Stage 2

Highway 47 traffic will be detoured to the temporary bypass. Martin and Porter roads will be closed at Highway 47 during bridge replacement.

"Stage 2: Highway 47 traffic is detoured to by-pass"

Stage 3

The bridge and roundabout will open and bypass will be removed.

"Stage 3: Bridge and roundabout open temporary bypass removed"

Stage 4

Martin Road will remain open during shoulder widening. 

"Stage 4: Martin Road shoulder widening"